Zeon Exchange API
Public API
Public API Methods
Public methods do not require the use of an api key and can be accessed via the GET method.
General Market Data (All Markets):
General Market Data (Single Market):
https://exchange.zeonhexalgo.fun/page/api?method=singlemarket&marketid;={MARKET ID}
General Orderbook Data (All Markets):
General Orderbook Data (Single Market):
https://exchange.zeonhexalgo.fun/page/api?method=singleorder&marketid;={MARKET ID}
Public methods do not require the use of an api key and can be accessed via the GET method.
General Market Data (All Markets):
General Market Data (Single Market):
https://exchange.zeonhexalgo.fun/page/api?method=singlemarket&marketid;={MARKET ID}
General Orderbook Data (All Markets):
General Orderbook Data (Single Market):
https://exchange.zeonhexalgo.fun/page/api?method=singleorder&marketid;={MARKET ID}
Authenticated API
Authenticated API Methods
Authenticated methods require the use of an api key and can only be accessed via the POST method.
URL - The URL you will be posting to is:
Ex: https://exchange.zeonhexalgo.fun/page/api?method=getmarkets&key;=admin@123&sign;=thuythuy
key - Your password
sign - Your username
Other Variables
method - The method from the list below which you are accessing.
General Return Values
success - Either a 1 or a 0. 1 Represents sucessful call, 0 Represents unsuccessful
error - If unsuccessful, this will be the error message
return - If successful, this will be the data returned
Method List
Outputs: Array of Active Markets
Outputs: Array of Active Wallets
Outputs: Array of Deposits on your account
Outputs: Array of Withdraws on your account
Outputs: Array of Transfers on your account
Outputs: Array
Outputs: Array of all open orders for your account.
Inputs:marketid Market ID for which you are querying
Outputs: Array of your orders for this market listing your current open sell and buy orders.
Example PHP Code for making API calls:
Authenticated methods require the use of an api key and can only be accessed via the POST method.
URL - The URL you will be posting to is:
Ex: https://exchange.zeonhexalgo.fun/page/api?method=getmarkets&key;=admin@123&sign;=thuythuy
key - Your password
sign - Your username
Other Variables
method - The method from the list below which you are accessing.
General Return Values
success - Either a 1 or a 0. 1 Represents sucessful call, 0 Represents unsuccessful
error - If unsuccessful, this will be the error message
return - If successful, this will be the data returned
Method List
Outputs: Array of Active Markets
marketid | Integer value representing a market |
label | Name for this market, for example: ZEON/BTC |
primary_currency_code | Primary currency code, for example: ZEON |
primary_currency_name | Primary currency name, for example: Zeon |
secondary_currency_code | Secondary currency code, for example: BTC |
secondary_currency_name | Secondary currency name, for example: BitCoin |
last_trade | Last trade price for this market |
high_trade | 24 hour highest trade price in this market |
low_trade | 24 hour lowest trade price in this market |
created | Datetime (EST) the market was created |
Outputs: Array of Active Wallets
currencyid | Integer value representing a wallet |
name | Name for this wallet, for example: Bitcoin |
code | Currency code, for example: BTC |
withdrawfee | Fee charged for withdrawals of this currency |
Outputs: Array of Deposits on your account
currencyid | Integer value representing a wallet |
created | The time the activity posted |
updated | The time the activity updated |
address | Address to which the deposit posted was sent |
amount | Amount of transaction (Not including any fees) |
transactionid | Network Transaction ID (If available) |
Outputs: Array of Withdraws on your account
currencyid | Integer value representing a wallet |
created | The time the activity posted |
toaddress | Address to which the withdraws posted was received |
amount | Amount of transaction (Not including any fees) |
feeamount | Fee (If any) Charged for this Transaction (Generally only on Withdrawals) |
receiveamount | Amount of transaction was received |
transactionid | Network Transaction ID (If available) |
Outputs: Array of Transfers on your account
currency | Name representing a wallet |
time | The time the activity created |
sender | Username sending transfer |
receiver | Username receiving transfer |
amount | Amount of transaction |
Outputs: Array
coincode | Type of wallet |
despositaddress | Your deposit address |
Outputs: Array of all open orders for your account.
orderid | Order ID for this order |
marketid | The Market ID this order was created for |
created | Datetime the order was created |
ordertype | Type of order (Buy/Sell) |
price | The price per unit for this order |
fromvalue | Amount from sender |
tovalue | Amount which receiver was received |
Inputs:marketid Market ID for which you are querying
Outputs: Array of your orders for this market listing your current open sell and buy orders.
orderid | Order ID for this order |
created | Datetime the order was created |
ordertype | Type of order (Buy/Sell) |
price | The price per unit for this order |
fromvalue | Amount from sender |
tovalue | Amount which receiver was received |
Example PHP Code for making API calls:
function api($method, array $req = array()) { $req['key'] = ''; // your password account $req['sign'] = ''; // your username account $req['method'] = $method; // generate the POST data string $post_data = http_build_query($req, '', '&'); $re = file_get_contents('https://exchange.zeonhexalgo.fun/page/api?'. $post_data, true); $dec = json_decode($re, true); return $dec; } $result = api("getmarkets"); //$result = api("getwallets"); //$result = api("mydeposits"); //$result = api("mywithdraws"); //$result = api("mytransfers"); //$result = api("getmydepositaddresses"); //$result = api("allmyorders"); //$result = api("myorders"); //print_r($result, true);
Push API
Get instant notification of trades and buy/sell ticker data
Using our Push API service you can get information on trades and market data in real time. Using a client to connect to the service, you can subscribe to channels you wish to receive data on. You can subscribe to as many channels as you wish.
Channel: "trade.X" (X is the Market ID for which you would like to subscribe. For example "trade.3" would be the LTC/BTC market)
Data format (event "message"):
{ "channel": "trade.53", "trade": { "timestamp": 1660152331, "datetime": 2022-08-10 17:25:31 UTC, "marketid": "53", "marketname": "CAP/BTC", "amount": "0.02523500", "price": "0.00001060", "total": "0.00000027", "type": "Sell" } }
Channel: "ticker.X" (X is the Market ID for which you would like to subscribe. For example "ticker.3" would be the LTC/BTC market)
Data format (event "message"):
{ "channel": "ticker.160", "trade": { "timestamp": 1660152331, "datetime": 2022-08-10 17:25:31 UTC, "marketid": "160", "topsell": { "price": "0.00451039", "amount": "12.31881709" }, "topbuy": { "price": "0.00450001", "amount": "49.28204222" } } }
Client Libraries
You can find client libraries in several programming languages here: http://pusher.com/docs/client_librariesWhen connecting to our service you will need to use the following API Key:
APP_KEY = '58938a266fb01b0a46a3'
Sample Client Code
Pusher Test Test Pusher Client
Please press F12 and click tab "Console" to view result